November 22, 2007


Haha. Fuck you. It´s that time again to get my home wrecked and have people eat all my food. It´s become a tradition, ever since I moved here, for me to host the annual Thanksgiving party. It´s like no one eats the whole gawd damn week so they can stuff themselves @ my house. Lawl. This year I have had to buy more booze and food. Seems each year this dinner gets bigger. And yes, they do sell turkey down here in Mexico. San Miguel is full of old white people, they get the turkeys in like 3 weeks before this date. We also have pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, stuffing etc.
This year we lost(disenrolled) like 3 of our classmates, so we get to see them @ this dinner, so it´ll be awesome.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!

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