August 31, 2008

The Fall of An Idiot

The past few weeks have been quite evenful in SMA. New people & friends are always fun. The Plastilina Mosh/Fobia concert was a total bust QRO, there goes $16 down the drain. In between all these outings, I met someone who I actually thought was cool. All things lead me to believe he was funny, real, smart etc. Big fucking HAH. New info leak that came through this friday, made me rethink the situation. The guy is a total bust. Too bad for the lying punk ass.
In other news, the mural is coming through, we are on the second stage. People have been encouraging us and giving congratulations. The semester is coming quickly to an end. I am truly going to miss my mates that I have spent with in the past 3 yrs.
Later kids. Paola signing out.......

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