October 14, 2007

Freak on a leash

All kids should be on a leash connected to their parents wrist.

Family restaurants suck. Howling babies, little kids running around tables, and mothers yelling @ them to behave. But, when it´s a free dinner, you just have to do your best to ignore the surroundings. They are all the same no matter what country you are in, and annoying as hell. Unlike the good ol US of A, some folks down here don´t give a fuck about being in public, and go right a head and smack the kids to calm them the fuck down. You can´t help but kinda laugh when you see this shit go down right next to you. I guess u hafta be there to know what I´m talking about lol. The parents try and avoid all eye contact and rush through their meal.
Leashes. Definatly leashes, kind of like the ones people use for dogs that u can control how far they extend, not the rainbow Velcro ones. Or if that´s just too embarrassing, what about ankle bracelets? That way if the kid walks too far from the parent, an alarm goes off. I´m all for it, especially if it keeps your kid from ruining my dinner, shopping or other activities. Thanks.

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