February 27, 2008

Drinking on the Job.

An opportunity came up this past weekend to make some money, so of course I was game. If you don´t already know, I am not currently employed,big surprise lol, but thats another story for another time :P
Anyways, the major requirement for said job was the ability to speak English. Well damn, I speak English, and insanely fluently, I only lived in Southern California my entire life, so I said yes. Now this was before I knew what the job really entailed. My friend's friend needed 2 extra people to ask some general questions around/about SMA. Ok,this sounds like a piece of cake gig, I thought, and gave my number to her friend.
We were basically told that we were conducting some crap survey for a residential project (aka mega Golf Course)in progress.
8am - the real work started. He had me hit the library in SMA. Well I wasn't too excited because who the fuck wants to be bothered while their checking out some reading material? Anyways, I did ask a few elderly people (that was our target audience) and got bored. Our meetup time back at the main plaza was 3pm. I just hung around and started reading A Clockwork Orange. Now, the boss guy had said he wanted 30 people from each of us plus two people who would confirm for a focus group. Hah at this point I only had about half and was quite thirsty.
3pm - the guy says we need to step it up blah, blahblah. The final meet up will be at 8pm. I was like FUCK, wtf is this guy?! Fortunatly 2 older ladies had invited me to go to some gallery shows that night and had suggested it would be a good place to fulfill this damn quota.
5pm - First of the art show takes place in a private house. Awesome to say the least. Its a minimalist house with amazing architecture. A house of this style would cost no less than $1Million in California. There I meetup with my current roomate and her man. Cheers! We go off to the refreshment table. Margaritas. Yummy!
First margarita, I check out the room, see my potential victims. Second margarita I start to mingle with people. Third, I catch my first survey victim and the response is pleasant and head off to the rest of my targets. Fourth margarita I am happy just smiling and on the balcony enjoying the view. I take the fifth for the road. :)
7pm - walk over to the next gallery show that was a couple blocks away, drink in hand. I finish it first and proceed into the building. I walk around, see the works and head once again to the refreshments. This time its screwdrivers. At this point I know I'm going to get pretty faded. Meet up with friends again and I end up talking it up with a couple people. I see that I'm going to be short of 30 and interviewing my friends seems like a good idea. Why not? Their legitimate people and their opinions have every right to be heard too.
8pm- I arrive about 15 min later, smelling of alcohol, I hand in my papers. Then the boss guy has the nerve to want to chat about the work. I just stared at him and told him that no one wants his shit overpriced project in SMA. I tell him goodnight and walk off. Later I ended up going out until the early morning.
The next day I got paid and left ASAP. I wasn't interested in sticking around to see what else this guy wanted. Besides, I had a hangover to nurse!

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