March 23, 2008

I'm going to Hell?

Everyone seems to think so, especially after last weeks events. It was the end of the semester clases and we decided to celebrate in style, drinking of course. My place seems to be the point of reunion all the time, the reason being that I have the most space.
The smoking and drinking start and at around 1:30 we head off to our bar. Around this time most of us are feeling pretty good and ready to rage it up a bit. Now if you don't know someone from this bar, it is highly likely you will not get the main doors opened so late. We have no problem because our friend dates one of the barmen. :) We drink some beers until everyone is ready to hit the afterhours. Needles to say, I wasn't walking straight anymore. Our group leaves the bar holding each other up by our drunk strength. Yeh, we were faced. So on our walk to the club we are being ridiculously loud. Now at this point it gets fuzzy, but I suddenly point out at some guy. I then point and yell out "It's a guy in a wheelchair! LOOK!!!". My friends tell me that they all didn't know what to do. They nodded, smiled nervously and pulled me away. Apparently the homeless guy was looking pist and ready to fight. I guess I wanted to borrow his chair or some shit. Honestly, I don't remember. But karma bit me later that morning in the club. I crashed into something, no one remembers what exactly, later to wake up with a purple bruise on my hip. Go figure.

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