March 30, 2008


First of all, "Emo is soo 2006".
Now, if some of you have not read your newspapers, or your news feeds then you may not be aware of the whole emo issue in Mexico. Yes, it*s true. Here in Queretaro, there was a gathering of the youth masses in one of the plazas. They ended up beating the crap out of the emo kids and well of course it blew up. There has been alot of critical talk on all the radio stations here and in Mexico City, and alot of citizens agree that intolerance such as this is beyond ridiculous. Well,what can u expect in a country full of machismo?
I*m not putting down Mexico, but truly tired of this emo sh*t and looking forward for it to end.

1 comment:

It's a new day, a new age! said...

that was hilarious. machismo. ha! nice post :)