October 8, 2008


Where has the year gone? Its October, which means HALLOWEEN! yeah! Anyone who knows me, also knows how much I <3 Halloween. This year*s theme is group oriented, but that is all I will say on the subject. It*s a secret.
The beginning of this month was QUITE eventful. You know who you are if you are reading this, hahaha. :D
I also had the chance to attend La Alborada @ 4am. Bunch of pretty fireworks and shitty smoke. Figured it*s my last year here, so I might as well go and enjoy the festivities. Also plan to attend Cervantino in Guanajuato, but what I am looking forward too is the free Cafe Tacuba concert during the fest. People are already fighting for seats in my car. lol.
More to come....

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