December 29, 2008

End of the Year!

I have pretty much skipped all of November, my bad guys! But, I have just been really busy with the new BF and all.
November highlights would be Thanksgiving dinner and my folks meeting Joe. There was a slight confusion in the introduction that lead my parents in asking if Joe did any drugs. Can you believe that? Apparently they got mixed up about who my bf was thought it was another friend. Sorry Randall for the mix up, all has been set straight. :D
As for december, I went to SD for a couple of days and came back to Qro. Great Christmas gifts from the parents and so forth. This time around I got nostalgic walking around downtown, wtf. Guess it was bound to happen, but for the good. I am not sad it*s just a chapter of my life that has come and gone.
NYE plans? Nothing set, but at least I get to see novio tomorrow! I hope u have a stress free flight :)

October 8, 2008


Where has the year gone? Its October, which means HALLOWEEN! yeah! Anyone who knows me, also knows how much I <3 Halloween. This year*s theme is group oriented, but that is all I will say on the subject. It*s a secret.
The beginning of this month was QUITE eventful. You know who you are if you are reading this, hahaha. :D
I also had the chance to attend La Alborada @ 4am. Bunch of pretty fireworks and shitty smoke. Figured it*s my last year here, so I might as well go and enjoy the festivities. Also plan to attend Cervantino in Guanajuato, but what I am looking forward too is the free Cafe Tacuba concert during the fest. People are already fighting for seats in my car. lol.
More to come....

September 17, 2008

The Mural

The mural in progress. We usually head out to paint from 9-1, due to the angle of the sun.

August 31, 2008

The Fall of An Idiot

The past few weeks have been quite evenful in SMA. New people & friends are always fun. The Plastilina Mosh/Fobia concert was a total bust QRO, there goes $16 down the drain. In between all these outings, I met someone who I actually thought was cool. All things lead me to believe he was funny, real, smart etc. Big fucking HAH. New info leak that came through this friday, made me rethink the situation. The guy is a total bust. Too bad for the lying punk ass.
In other news, the mural is coming through, we are on the second stage. People have been encouraging us and giving congratulations. The semester is coming quickly to an end. I am truly going to miss my mates that I have spent with in the past 3 yrs.
Later kids. Paola signing out.......

August 19, 2008


Where is my head at...